

Anti-Debugging is a Jscrambler feature that protects your application by making it harder for attackers to debug an app by activating defenses that stop any reverse engineering attempts.

The Anti-Debugging makes it increasingly harder for attackers to debug the code and commit fraud.

How does Anti-Debugging work?

This transformation uses several techniques to detect debugging activity. The user can define the countermeasures to be triggered if, during runtime, debugging activity is detected.

When the code is protected with this transformation, checks are injected at the start of the program.

Each check then runs three random techniques during runtime to detect debugging activity. Additionally, a different subset of techniques is used in each runtime to maximize the detection efficiency. Once detected, the countermeasures selected will be triggered.

Benefits of Anti-Debugging

  • Enhanced detection - combining nine techniques heightens the ability to identify debugging activity. Each runtime uses a distinct subset of techniques, increasing the overall detection capabilities.

  • Stronger resilience - the injection of random checks in the source code reduces single points of failure, resulting in a more resilient defense against debugging activities.

  • Broader attack surface coverage - the diverse and independent nature of the techniques addresses various debugging approach strategies.

  • Extended defense protection - safeguarding against different types of breakpoints (conditional, exception, event, and XHR/fetch), offline debugging, and offering swift reactions upon detecting debugger activity.

  • Smooth and quick reaction - a wide array of countermeasures, such as custom callback, delete cookies, redirect, real-time notifications, data exfiltration prevention, self-destruct, and break application, provide an extensive defense toolkit. The option to stop or break application execution is discretionary.

Popular use cases

What are you protecting yourself against with Anti-Debugging? This is a great feature to shield from reverse engineering attempts that may have various forms of malicious intent: 

  • Piracy;

  • Licence abuse;

  • Cheating and bypassing restrictions;

  • Intellectual property theft.

How Jcrambler can help you

Prevent client-side attacks with Jscrambler’s security platform.